Connecting Communities for Sustainable Solutions
Partners: Madison Gas & Electric, City of Madison, RMI, ACEEE and bluEvolution
Planned Location of Buildings: Madison, WI
Building types: Approximately 15 commercial buildings
New or retrofit buildings: Retrofit buildings
EE target: 39% total energy savings from retrocommissioning
Total load: N/A
DERs planned: rooftop PV, battery storage systems (80 kW), and EV charging infrastructure (20 units)
Flexible Loads: This project is planning continuous demand management with building automation including LED lighting retrofits with advanced controls integrated with HVAC controls (temperature and ventilation resets during unoccupied periods). Also considered is managed EV charging, batteries, and rooftop PV.
Coordinated Controls: Automated DR will be implemented through a Demand Response Management Systems (DRMS)
Grid issues addressed: N/A
Grid services planned: Continuous monthly peak reduction will be achieved from peak load shedding and shifting.