SmartGrid Advanced Load Management & Optimized Neighborhood (SALMON)
Partners: Energy Trust of Oregon, Northwest EE Alliance, Community Energy Project, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Open Systems International, Inc.
Planned Location of Buildings: Portland, OR
Building types: A total of approximately 580 buildings comprised of 500 residential single-family homes, 40 multi-family residential homes, 40 small commercial buildings, and 1 large commercial building
New or retrofit buildings: Retrofit existing buildings
EE target: 10% minimum energy savings for retrofit buildings. This work will target various shell measures such as insulation and air and duct sealing that improve the thermal envelope as well as other permanent load shifting measures like high efficiency HVAC and water heating.
Total load: N/A
DERs planned: rooftop PV (110 installations) w/ inverters, battery storage systems (60 installations), EV charging infrastructure (24 level 2 units)
Flexible Loads: Goal is to demonstrate 1.4 MW of flexible load with grid enabled controls for all major end-use loads, including high efficiency HVAC and water heating, solar and energy storage, and managed electric vehicle charging
Coordinated Controls: The flexible loads will be integrated into PGE’s Advanced Distribution and DER Management Systems (ADMS) and optimized by NREL to demonstrate multiple grid services. OSI’s ADMS will engage the DERMS to provide the grid services.
Grid issues addressed: N/A
Grid services planned: This project will demonstrate the novelty of using DERs as a resource for distribution and transmission bulk capacity markets using advanced grid services, such as voltage management, frequency response, and bulk service provisioning, something previously demonstrated as part of the NREL ADMS Test Bed during Phase II of this project.