Evaluating Transactive Energy for Rural America
Somewhere TBD in NH and ME
This is a transactive energy project that will use a Transactive Energy Service System (TESS) for load flexibility to demonstrate whether two-way “prices-from-devices” transactive energy is viable in rural America from both a financial and policy perspective and prepare for scale-up so that TESS can be quickly adopted nationwide.
Team Lead
Post Road Foundation
Partners: New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Efficiency Maine, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and Knowledge Problem, LLC
Planned Location of Buildings:
- In New Hampshire: Up to 250 single-family homes and 5 to 10 small commercial buildings
- In Maine: 100 single-family homes, 50 small commercial buildings, and 5 industrial buildings in two rural communities
Building types:
- In New Hampshire: Residential and commercial buildings
- In Maine: Residential, commercial, and industrial buildings
New or retrofit buildings: Retrofit
EE target: 16% through weatherization (insulation, window sealing, etc.)
Total load: 1.5 MW (200-500 kW per Connected Community)
DERs planned:
- In New Hampshire: 250 10kW/27kWh batteries for use in all seasons with the possibility of EVs and PV
- In Maine: peak heat pump HVAC load during the winter with the possibility of hot water heaters, batteries, or PV
Flexible Loads:
- In New Hampshire: Up to 7.5 MW or 2.5 MW each community for a few hrs (based on 250 10-kW batteries) across all seasons
- In Maine: Up to 1.1 MW per community based on peak HVAC load of 1.7 MW (100 bldgs) - approximately ⅔ of load during the winter season
Grid issues addressed: Energy management and maximum capacity relief
Grid services planned: Coordinated batteries and DERs to trade energy and storage lower peak and provide solar peak relief, and provide backup power from batteries