UDERMS iCommunity: Utility Managed Distributed Energy Resources Intelligent Community

Salt Lake City, UT
This project includes a diverse set of approximately 700 buildings, including a large suburban apartment complex, downtown complex of mixed-use retail and apartment buildings, University laboratory and office building with a microgrid, a mass transit transportation center, manufacturing building, and residential homes. PacifiCorp will evaluate the viability of strategic aggregation and deployment of DER bundles in wholesale markets and provide data to support inclusion of this model in Integrated Resource Planning.
Illustrative Schematic of Project
Illustrative Schematic of Project
Team Lead
Rocky Mountain Power (Pacificorp)

Partners: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Utah State University, Wasatch Group, GIV Group, Utah Transit Authority, Packsize International, Open Systems International, and Sonnen

Planned location of buildings: Salt Lake City, UT

Building types: 700 multi-family homes, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, and EV charging for buses, some shared vehicles for multifamily and the light rail.

New or retrofit buildings: New and retrofit buildings

EE target: 30% (compared to typical buildings)

Total load: N/A

DERs planned: rooftop PV (6.2 MW), battery storage systems (13 MWh), EV charging infrastructure (230+ units)

Flexible loads: Will vary by site. Most sites will have HVAC with heat pumps and some will have tankless electric hot waters, and adaptive lighting will also be explored.

Coordinated controls: The project team plans to implement a utility managed behind-the-meter DER control program.

Grid issues addressed: This project will help defer capital expenses for distribution infrastructure upgrades that serve the community of buildings.

Grid services planned: This work will target peak load management, frequency support, and contingency reserves. The objective is to effectively integrate intermittent renewable resources, enhance resiliency and outage response at the distribution level, ensure resource adequacy particularly during periods of disruptive events.

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