Advanced Clean Communities Collaborative (AC3)
Partners: Tierra Resource Consultants, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Energy and Environmental Economics (E3), Duke Energy, Meritage Homes, Elevation Home Energy Systems, and Energy Hub
Planned Location of Buildings: Raleigh, NC
Building types: Up to 1,000 buildings total representing a mix of 500 new homes and 500 existing single-family and multifamily owner-occupied and rental properties
New or retrofit buildings: New and existing homes
EE target: Zero-energy ready homes that save 30% in new construction homes and 10%-15% for existing buildings
Total load: N/A
DERs planned: rooftop PV (70kW, 3,300 Wh/yr), battery storage systems (250kW), EV charging infrastructure (525 units)
Flexible Loads: Up to 3.8 MW of aggregated flexible load from 'smart' grid-connected DER technologies including water heating, smart thermostats, solar PV systems, storage, and electrification technologies (ASHP w/ backup elec resistance), smart off-peak ventilation systems; existing homes only targeting smart tstats, water heaters
Grid issues addressed: This project will address utility peak capacity and resource adequacy needs at the bulk system and local transmission and distribution level
Grid services planned: Bulk system and distribution level summer/winter peak demand side capacity, system peak capacity/energy, local T&D capacity, load shifting and curtailment to manage variable renewable energy integration, frequency and voltage support, and improved resilience and resource diversity to help defer major infrastructure capital investments.