Advanced Clean Communities Collaborative (AC3)

Raleigh, NC
Up to 1,000 new and existing single-family and multi-family homes will be connected through the EnergyHub DERMS platform to serve utility peak capacity and resource adequacy needs at the bulk system and local transmission and distribution level in the Duke Energy service territory. Data on aggregated grid impacts and value across a range of buildings, end uses, and technologies will be collected to help identify best approaches to delivering flexible distributed capacity at scale.
Illustrative Schematic of Project
Illustrative Schematic of Project
Team Lead

Partners: Tierra Resource Consultants, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Energy and Environmental Economics (E3), Duke Energy, Meritage Homes, Elevation Home Energy Systems, and Energy Hub

Planned Location of Buildings: Raleigh, NC

Building types: Up to 1,000 buildings total representing a mix of 500 new homes and 500 existing single-family and multifamily owner-occupied and rental properties

New or retrofit buildings: New and existing homes

EE target: Zero-energy ready homes that save 30% in new construction homes and 10%-15% for existing buildings

Total load: N/A

DERs planned: rooftop PV (70kW, 3,300 Wh/yr), battery storage systems (250kW), EV charging infrastructure (525 units)

Flexible Loads: Up to 3.8 MW of aggregated flexible load from 'smart' grid-connected DER technologies including water heating, smart thermostats, solar PV systems, storage, and electrification technologies (ASHP w/ backup elec resistance), smart off-peak ventilation systems; existing homes only targeting smart tstats, water heaters

Grid issues addressed: This project will address utility peak capacity and resource adequacy needs at the bulk system and local transmission and distribution level

Grid services planned: Bulk system and distribution level summer/winter peak demand side capacity, system peak capacity/energy, local T&D capacity, load shifting and curtailment to manage variable renewable energy integration, frequency and voltage support, and improved resilience and resource diversity to help defer major infrastructure capital investments.

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